Hops and Box Office Flops
A film podcast dedicated to the underdogs — the disasters, the bombs, the much maligned! So sit back, grab a beer, and enjoy!

4 days ago
Army of Darkness – Hail to the King
4 days ago
4 days ago
Army of Darkness, the finale of Sam Raimi's iconic Evil Dead series, is truly a cult classic.
A minor departure from the series more comedic/horror roots, it is a film that revels in its absurdity, taking the protagonist, Ash, back through time to the 14th century.
Though it is goofier, it is no less fun than the first two. And its one-liners—frequent throughout—remain infinitely quotable to this day.
There is a reason Ash and the hordes of undead he's dispatched over the years with prejudice have continued to captivate the hearts and minds of fans.
Good ... bad ... we're the guys with the mics!
Now, sit back, wash down tiny Ash with a Dragon Stout Fire, and listen up, you primitive screw heads! The Thunderous Wizard, Chumpzilla, and Bling Blake are blasting deadites with our boomsticks!
This Week’s Segments:
Introduction/Plot Breakdown – In an age of darkness. At a time of evil. When the world needed a hero! (0:00)
Lingering Questions – How would we rank the Evil Dead movies? (26:11)
The "S-Mart" Trivia Challenge – Chumpzilla challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (38:25)
Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We conclude our 90s Cult Flops series with Tremors! (46:05)
And, as always, hit us up on Threads, X, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!

Friday Feb 28, 2025
Empire Records – Say No More, Mon Amour
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Empire Records poses the important question: What do a bunch of pre-20s slackers do at work all day? Well, they have random sex with has been celebrities, eat weed brownies, argue over mundane things, and thoroughly explore the existential crises they're all experiencing.
To no one's surprise, very little work is actually done amidst all the melodrama. Now, that may not sound all that great, but Empire Records is very much a time capsule film. If you grew up in the 90s, you've no doubt seen it and probably have fond memories of it.
Thus, its devout following, despite its lack of box office and critical success, is well earned. Empire Records is a shared experience film. We've all had jobs where we screw around all day, and we've all worked with people who fit the familiar archetypes in the movie.
That is what makes it so relatable and has helped it to endure over the years.
Now, sit back, compliment your special brownie with a Bloodline Blood Orange IPA from Flying Dog, and delight in the sweet stylings of Rex Manning! The Thunderous Wizard, Chumpzilla, and Bling Blake are damning the man to save the Empire!
This Week’s Segments:
Introduction/Plot Breakdown – They're selling music but not selling out! (0:00)
Lingering Questions – In a movie full of clichés and tropes, which is the tropiest? (41:18)
The "Rex Manning Day" Trivia Challenge – Bling Blake challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (1:07:03)
Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We continue our 90s Cult Flops series with Army of Darkness ... This is our boomstick! (1:19:19)
And, as always, hit us up on Threads, X, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!

Friday Feb 21, 2025
Johnny Mnemonic – Hack Your Brain
Friday Feb 21, 2025
Friday Feb 21, 2025
Based on a William Gibson story of the same name, Johnny Mnemonic centers on the titular data courier as he embarks on his latest assignment, transporting 320 gigabytes of corporate secrets.
That intel is quite sensitive, and its owner, Pharmakom, will stop at nothing to get it back, employing the Yakuza to track down Johnny. Like most of Gibson's work, the world in which Johnny lives is a cyberpunk dystopia.
Corporations rule with impunity and an overreliance on/addiction to technology has left much of the populace in dire straits.
The messaging of Johnny Mnemonic is as relevant as ever. The issues with the film lie within its execution. Despite costing upward of $30 million, the movie looks and feels cheap. This aesthetic is only worsened by shockingly dated CGI VR segments.
The ideas just weren't enough to salvage the subpar acting, shoddy action sequences, and atrocious effects. Hence Johnny Mnemonic's poor reviews and paltry box office performance.
Now, sit back, jack in with a Halfway to Hefen from Fate Brewing, and don't ignore the ghost in the machine! The Thunderous Wizard, Chumpzilla, and Bling Blake are riding Jones the dolphin through cyberspace!
This Week’s Segments:
Introduction/Plot Breakdown – The future's most wanted fugitive. The hottest data on earth. In the coolest head in town! (0:00)
Lingering Questions – Which of the many dystopian ideas presented here aged the best? (27:06)
The "Snatch Back Your Brain, Zombie" Trivia Challenge – The Thunderous Wizard challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (53:57)
Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We continue our 90s Cult Flops series with a dose of angst at Empire Records! (1:06:57)
And, as always, hit us up on Threads, X, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!

Friday Feb 07, 2025
Transformers: The Last Knight – Drunk History
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Transformers: The Last Knight is the fifth film directed by Michael Bay about the storied toy line. The prior four were of varying quality, but The Last Knight stands out as by far the worst.
A convoluted mess, it rewrites the legend of King Arthur, infusing the Autobots into the tale. This, of course, leads to a whole bunch of other nonsense, including Merlin's magical staff being of Cybertron origin.
Anyway, as we rumble through this slog, we're treated to secret societies, moronic plot twists, and a smorgasbord of explosions and CGI bombast. It's a lot to digest, folks.
Mercifully, though, The Last Knight's poor box office performance and abysmal reviews ensured this would be the last of the so-called Bayformers.
Now, sit back, transform your taste buds with an Automatic IPA from Creature Comforts, and don't let Merlin's staff fall into Megatron's hands! The Thunderous Wizard, Chumpzilla, and Bling Blake are sliding under giant robots and wielding Excalibur!
This Week’s Segments:
Introduction/Plot Breakdown – Every legend hides a secret! (0:00)
Lingering Questions – Why? Just why?! (34:43)
The "Sir Edmund Burton" Trivia Challenge – Chumpzilla challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (54:10)
Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We kick off our 90s Cult Flops series with Keanu Reeves' precursor to The Matrix and Cyberpunk 2077, Johnny Mnemonic! (1:01:41)
And, as always, hit us up on Threads, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!

Friday Jan 31, 2025
The Last Jedi – Kicked in the Space Balls
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Friday Jan 31, 2025
The Last Jedi, despite being a massive financial success, has been highly divisive since its release in December 2017.
Sure, there are those who love and defend it, especially for its willingness to subvert expectations. Its detractors, though, often cite The Last Jedi's nonsensical plot and less than favorable depiction of beloved Star Wars hero Luke Skywalker for why they hate it.
The pod tends to lean toward the latter. For all its exceptional visuals and some genuinely great Star Wars moments, The Last Jedi often feels like a muddled mess—less a sequel to a $2 billion movie, more a piece of odd fan fiction.
Hence the divide between fans. As the middle part of a trilogy, The Last Jedi too often throws away or outright dismisses plot threads from The Force Awakens. When there was still a film to follow it, perhaps writing the characters into a narrative corner wasn't the best idea.
Now, sit back, feel the Force with a Mind Haze Cosmic Crusher from Firestone Walker Brewing, and find the master codebreaker! The Thunderous Wizard (@WriterTLK), Chumpzilla, and Bling Blake are seeing who can chug the most thala-siren milk!
This Week’s Segments:
Introduction/Plot Breakdown – Let the past die! (0:00)
Lingering Questions – When subverting expectations goes wrong... (36:47)
The "Jar of Snokes" Trivia Challenge – The Thunderous Wizard challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (1:03:51)
Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We finish our $1 billion+ follow up flops with a doozy of a dumpster fire, Transformers: The Last Knight! (1:12:11)
And, as always, hit us up on Threads, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!

Friday Jan 24, 2025
The Marvels – Identity Crisis
Friday Jan 24, 2025
Friday Jan 24, 2025
By feeling more like optional homework than obligatory viewing, The Marvels falls into a familiar trap of the Phase 4 and 5 MCU films. And it fails to up the ante for its main heroine from her first solo outing.
There is certainly more to juggle here—adding in both Ms. Marvel and Monica Rambeau—but The Marvels fails to find the right balance.
The titular three are charming and have decent chemistry. The villain, however, is one of the most paper thin ever produced by the Marvel movie machine.
As for the plot, what little there is, it just feels like a retread of better films. Another issue The Marvels shares with some its more recent MCU counterparts is an abundance of cheap looking effects.
For a movie with a budget north of $250 million, it looks more like a hastily produced Disney+ show. None of this should've been enough for it to tank as badly as it did, earning just 20% of the first's gross; but it is indicative of the larger MCU issue: too much, too often, too little quality control.
Now, sit back, swap places with a Juiced to Jupiter from Fat Head's Brewery, and warm up those pipes for Aladna! The Thunderous Wizard (@WriterTLK), Chumpzilla, Capt. Cash, and Bling Blake are hijacking the sun!
This Week’s Segments:
Introduction/Plot Breakdown – Higher. Further. Faster. Together! (0:00)
Lingering Questions – Who is in a position for better future success: DC or Marvel? (40:02)
The "Flerken Transit Authority" Trivia Challenge – Bling Blake challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (1:08:28)
Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We analyze perhaps the most divisive Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi! (1:20:53)
And, as always, hit us up on Threads, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!

Friday Jan 17, 2025
Joker Folie à Deux – Off Key
Friday Jan 17, 2025
Friday Jan 17, 2025
In 2019, Todd Phillips' Joker, though divisive, received heaps of praise and a box office shattering $1 billion+ take. Joker: Folie à Deux, however, received none of that acclaim or success. That is for good reason.
Joker: Folie à Deux is a meandering mess of a film — one that features impromptu musical segments. Those songs, shockingly, are not at all the issue. Instead of carrying on Arthur Fleck's story, Folie à Deux just sort of castrates the character.
Certainly, it can be argued that Fleck never intended to become the Joker. But he did. Going back on that in every conceivable way makes for a film with no identity.
It honestly feels as if Phillips did not want to make this movie. Their is a palpable disdain that can be felt throughout its trudging two hours. Which begs the question: Why, aside from the potential for a big theatrical haul, was it ever greenlit? The script, like Fleck, is empty.
Now, sit back, feed your psychoses with a Psychedelic Rabbit from New Realm Brewing, and stop harassing poor Mr. Puddles! The Thunderous Wizard (@WriterTLK), Chumpzilla, and Bling Blake are gonna build a mountain!
This Week’s Segments:
Introduction/Plot Breakdown – The world is a stage! (0:00)
Lingering Questions – What the hell happened? (18:56)
The "Mr. Puddles" Trivia Challenge – Chumpzilla challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (35:42)
Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We continue our look at sequels to billion dollar hits that flopped with The Marvels! (45:17)
And, as always, hit us up on Threads, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!
You can find this episode of Hops and Box Office Flops on all your favorite pod catchers!

Friday Dec 27, 2024
Kraven the Hunter – Franchise Slayer
Friday Dec 27, 2024
Friday Dec 27, 2024
Kraven The Hunter, Marvel's most dangerous huntsman, has always been linked with perhaps their most famed hero, Spider-Man. Yet, for his big screen debut, there is a distinct lack of the web-head.
Yes, folks, this is another of Sony's moronic attempts to build a shared universe out of the wall crawlers villains. And, like all those that came before it—Madame Web, Morbius, and the trilogy of Venom films—it doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense.
The titular predator resembles little the character he's based on. In fact, this movie makes Kraven the Hunter a more benevolent version of the Punisher. He's a straight up hero, leaving one to wonder how this version would ever come to odds with Spider-Man.
It should come as no surprise then that this movie flopped and was reviled by critics. Even the most ardent of Kraven supporters didn't ask for this.
Now, sit back, track down a Dr. Octoberfest from Next Level Brewing, and look out for the man traps! The Thunderous Wizard (@WriterTLK), Chumpzilla, and Bling Blake are sampling vials of lion's blood to try and gain super powers!
This Week’s Segments:
Introduction/Plot Breakdown – Villains aren't born. They're made. His hunt begins! (0:00)
Lingering Questions – If this is the end of Sony's ill-conceived Spider-Man-less Spiderverse, what will our lasting impressions be? (23:43)
The "Kraven that D" Trivia Challenge – Chumpzilla challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (50:59)
Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We kickoff the pod's seventh season with sequels to billion dollar hits that flopped with Joker: Folie à Deux! (58:18)
And, as always, hit us up on Threads, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!
You can find this episode of Hops and Box Office Flops on all your favorite pod catchers!

Friday Dec 20, 2024
Red One – The North Pole Has Fallen
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Red One is a big budget Christmas action film with an array of stars to make it shine; it is also a mindless hunk of studio schlock.
In it, Santa Claus has been kidnapped by a malevolent holiday witch. It is up to the Rock's Callum Drift (yes, that is his name) to get him back in time for the big day.
What follows is a paint-by-numbers blockbuster that is crammed with enough CGI and bad one-liners to rip the seams of even the largest stocking.
This thing is a jingle bell mess from start to finish. Hence why it sits at 30% on Rotten Tomatoes and was given a lump of coal at the box office. Red One couldn't even muster enough holiday cheer to break even with its asinine $250 million budget.
Now, sit back, get into the spirit with a glass of Evan Williams' Bourbon-infused Eggnog, and rip off some snowmen noses! The Thunderous Wizard (@WriterTLK), Chumpzilla, and Bling Blake are hacking into Santa's secret lair to blow the whistle on his elf sweatshop!
This Week’s Segments:
Introduction/Plot Breakdown – Enforcement, logistics and fortification! (0:00)
Lingering Questions – Did this silly Rock em' Sock em' Christmas Film work for us? (32:48)
The "Kavalame" Trivia Challenge – Bling Blake challenges the field to trivia about the movie. (56:59)
Recommendations – We offer our picks for the week and next up: We conclude our season with the mother of all 2024 flops, Kraven: The Hunter! (1:07:42)
And, as always, hit us up on Threads, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to check out all the interesting factoids from this week’s episode!
You can find this episode of Hops and Box Office Flops on all your favorite pod catchers!